Exodus 1 (Baby Moses)
The entire book of Exodus shows how God kept his promises to Abraham, saving Abraham’s descendants and making them into a great nation—God’s own nation.
How God did this is part of the story. He used all kinds of people and controlled the events of history to protect and raise up the leader Moses:
- God used two faithful midwives.
- He used a caring mother and quick-thinking sister.
- He controlled the princess ofEgypt.
- He used the evil plans of Pharaoh, who wanted to kill Hebrew babies, to cause one of those babies to grow up in Pharaoh’s own palace.
- He even used Moses’ suffering. The baby’s cries caused the princess to act.
Exodus also shows us why God saved his people—out of love and faithfulness, so they could worship, and for his glory.
But for now, we simply marvel at the how. God uses the actions of faithful believers. He’s also never beaten by evil and suffering, but is able to turn them to good. He did this again many years later in the life of Jesus, and he does it for us today. No matter what evil and suffering we face, God will bless us and bring himself glory.

Hey just a quick note. I hope to pen actual pen to actual paper some time soon to let you know how very much I’ve enjoyed “Show Them Jesus”. I don’t say this lightly, it’s my second favorite book outside of the Bible. It was so good for my heart, mind, and soul. I had been told Jesus is on every page, and all the Bible points to Him… but you showed me how. Like teaching a man to fish! I’ve been enjoying the cod, and halibut, and trout from God’s oceanic Word. I’m so thankful to God that you wrote this book. I feel like I have the Old Testament back after losing it [or feeling lost in it] for years.
God even met me in the Ehud story. Here we have an assassination of a fat king with a lot of gory and gross details. Why is that in the Bible? Certainly not to teach us how to sneak knives in to do away with leaders! Gross assassination filled with gory details… fat king. Where else have we seen that? There is no king more fat and mean and greedy than sin. It’s always taking and always wanting more, never satisfied but always stuffing itself. Sin is a fat and cruel king. Enter Jesus and the cross. His assassination of sin was even more unexpected that Ehud’s assassination. He too used a double edged sword, the Words of God, quoting them at the temptation, thru His life and even on the cross. He too slayed not just a fat, wicked king, but THE fat, wicked king of sin. And at the cross we see the assassination of sin by Jesus thru a gruesome, gory death… his own. This Assassin gave his own life. Quite a twist. Quite a Savior.
p.s. One sentence on this page has a type, thought you’d like to know. “But for now, we simple marvel…”
Yeah, the lesson notes on this site are a fairly popular feature, judging from comments I receive, and I have not paid enough attention to them. Thanks for catching the typo. And perhaps someday soon I will clean up and add to the whole section. It’s overdue for some attention.
Thank you too for the kind things you said about Show Them Jesus. That’s encouraging to hear. As for Ehud, even without delving into allegories I think it’s fair to say that every one of the judges prefigures Jesus, the ultimate Divine Warrior against sin. Also, the gruesomeness that often arises in Judges seems to be there, at least in part, to show the need for a godly king (17:6, 18:1, 19:1, 21:25). That need is not fully met until the arrival of Jesus, whose work in that regard will not be finished until he returns.